Museums and Exhibitions

Interaction with Sculptures and Reliefs

Humboldt Forum

Relief sculptures for the exhibitions for the ethnological collections and Asian art. My task was to create tactile and inclusive reliefs to ensure barrier-free access to the arts and cultural heritage.

Realization: 2022

Client: werk5

Photo credits: Christina Möser, werk5, Marion Delhees,

Albrechtsburg Meißen

My task was sculpting a female variant of the famous statue of Augustus II the Strong named Augustina Imperatrix Germaniae

Realization: 2023

Client: Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gemeinnützige GmbH (SBG) | Thoralf Rauchfuß

Produktion: Leopold Dietrich

Photo credits: Schlösserland Sachsen (SBG) / André Forner

Schloss Charlottenburg

Relief sculptures for a garden module wayfinding system at Charlottenburg Palace

Realization: 2023

Client: Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg | werk5

Photo credits: werk5

Felix Nussbaum

'Self-portrait in hiding'

Tactile Relief based on the works of Felix Nussbaum for the Exhibition Roads not Taken. Or: Things Could Have Turned Out Differently

Realization: 2022

Client: Deutsches Historisches Museum | werk5

Photo credits: Deutsches Historisches Museum / David von Becker

Thuringian Experience Portal in Eisenach

Temporary experience site at the Wartburg

Realization: 2021

Client: Wartburg-Stiftung | whitebox Dresden

Photo credits: whitebox

A 360° media room was created for the Wartburg Portal in the castle's historic coach house. Light, sound and the large-format video walls create an immersive space and allow visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the most exciting places in Thuringia. An experience lounge offers the opportunity for in-depth exploration and new seminar rooms on the upper floor expand the educational offerings at Wartburg Castle. Here you can interact with my sculptures mounted on a real Wartburg stone to trigger the corresponding media presentations.

Thuringian Experience Portal in Weimar

Temporary experience site at the Schloss Weimar

Realization: 2020

Client: Klassik Stiftung Weimar | whitebox Dresden

Photo credits: whitebox

With the experience portals, the Free State of Thuringia is breaking new ground in tourism marketing. The idea is simple: an impressive presentation shows the broad cultural landscape of Thuringia, which is regularly visited by many guests, and invites visitors to explore more than just the well-known places. The experience portal is located in the immediate vicinity of the 'Weimarer Schloss' and the 'Herzogin-Anna-Amalia Bibliothek'. Here you can interact with my sculptures on a turntable and trigger the multimedia presentations that are offered on the respective topics. As a native of Thuringia, I am very happy to be able to present my old home from its beautiful side.

Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation

New perspectives on the history of forced migration

Realization: 2021

Client: SFVV | werk5

Photo credits: werk5 / Michael Jungblut

Felix Nussbaum

Tactile Relief based on the works of Felix Nussbaum

Realization: 2020

Client: Felix Nussbaum Museum Osnabrück | werk5

Photo credits: werk5, Steffen Zimmermann