Animated Shorts

Monju Hunters of Sōfugan Island

This animated short was a collaboration with my friend Karim Eich and our great sound team. It was my graduation project at Bauhaus University Weimar in 2016. We worked on it together for two years (2014-2016).


In a desolate time, we visit “Sofugan Island”, an Island that was once famous for providing the mainland with the valuable meat of colossal mutated whales, known as “Monjus”. Overpopulated and for long times unsupervised it was home to a wild mix of the infamous “Monju Hunters”, merchants, craftsmen, junk dealers, political persecuted, criminals and adventurers. Our protagonist, an old and experienced hunter who spend his whole life here, tells us about his past. He lets us accompany him through his day and gives us an understanding of the life in this extremophilic society.

The Movie

The movie has been presented by various and well known channels such as:



CG Meetup

KIS KIS - Keep it Short

and found a large audience worldwide. It is hard to imagine how many people has seen our film until today.
It makes me so proud!

Besides this there are now very professionally produced dubbed versions of our film in various languages such as:

Spanish Version by Studio Doblaje

Russian Version by Futuroom

The Making Of
Production Art

I did all the concept art and worldbuilding, a lot of the 3D modeling, all the texture work and the storyboard.

Karim made all this into a movie, he did the animation, 3D modeling, lighting, rendering, compositing and animation.

3D Art
The Monju Hunters Ship

This is the ship I've made, it is based on my early concept art but I changed the direction of the design during the long process.

3D View
The Monju Hunter

This is the character I've made for the film.

3D View